So thrilled to share this podcast episode with Brittany Arthur on Business Karaoke all about niche markets but also the freedom that comes from designing a life and business on your own terms. I talk about success in niche markets, economic changes, Japanese working culture, short term rental business and staying motivated as an entrepreneur and designing the lifestyle you want, including how I created our life in Japan.

Niche Markets & my experiences (Podcast timeline)
08:34 | Success in niche markets
13:05 | Market changes and riding economic waves
16:25 | Building a working culture and managing a multi-cultural teams.
25:22 | How to keep moving in tough times
28:35 | Short term rental business
38:56 | How to sell and maintain mutual benefit
43:10 | Staying motivated as an entrepreneur and designing a lifestyle
48:48 | Creating “your” life in Japan
56:32 | Doing the next right thing
1:00:40 | Strategies on failing forward
This conversation is filled with both the strategy and the heart required to building and designing a life and business on your own terms.
The Wholehearted Host Community
In Japan where I live and host, I have found a real life community of women hosts in Japan. Many of whom have been consulting clients over the years. We get together for lunches and also on-line to discuss our hosting life in Japan. We share values of exceptional guest experiences and push each other to improve and grow in our businesses – Wholeheartedly. (See what I did there? ).
Hand on my heart, I believe this is how the sharing economy runs at its best. Plus, I believe this is the way to have a long term sustainable business for professional hosts who see this as a lifestyle and a passion.
This is why it was a breath of fresh air for me to discover hosting kindred spirits in other places around the world. This makes me really appreciate that hospitality is a human experience that is not limited by country, culture, race or religion.
Is this resonating with you? You could be a Wholehearted Host too. Join me in the Wholehearted Host club.
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